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Take Action Eagles! Legislative Advocacy for AISD

Sept. 28, 2023

The Texas State 88th Legislature regular session ended this past summer. Unfortunately, reform of public school finance was not accomplished by the Texas Legislature. A special session is still needed to resolve public school funding shortages for Argyle ISD and districts across the state.


  • Argyle ISD is one of few districts in the state that has received the Formula Transition Grant since 2019 and faces a significant funding cliff beginning with the 2024-2025 fiscal year when FTG expires,

  • Argyle ISD is still subject to losing approximately $250,000 via the Robin Hood formula of “recapture,”

  • And there has been NO CHANGE to the per pupil basic allotment despite 40-year record inflation.

Our high-performing district is at risk of significant funding reductions which could impact AISD’s ability to appropriately plan for growth, as well as adequately offer award-winning programs and innovative student opportunities.

As mentioned in Superintendent Dr. Courtney Carpenter's newsletter, we need our community to take action! Your voice matters! First and foremost, we need your support in advocacy, and you can start by asking Governor Abbott to call a second special session with a priority to address public education funding and finance.

We have made this easy for you! We have a personalized website dedicated to legislative advocacy in Argyle ISD to make it efficient and simple for you to take action. Please visit, share it on your social media platforms, and take a brief moment to send Governor Abbott a letter advocating for a special legislative session focusing on public school funding and finance. 

Once a special session on public school funding is called, we will transition our advocacy efforts to our state representatives and focus specifically on the impacts of school funding to Argyle ISD. We will keep you updated on how you can stay involved! Thank you for taking action in our advocacy efforts because #TogetherWeSoar.