• Kindergarten Information

      The Kindergarten registration process for the 2023-2024 school year will take place entirely online starting May 1st.  Please do not attempt to enroll prior to May 1.  Doing so may cause your enrollment to be submitted for the wrong school year and it will be deleted.  Please ensure you have all required enrollment documents available ahead of time, as you will be prompted to upload them during the online process. 

      Please note: Enrollment for this current school year is still open. When you go online to enroll your new student, please carefully select the 23-24 school year tile. It is the far right tile and looks like the image below. If you enroll for the wrong school year, it cannot be transferred. It will be deleted.


      BEFORE YOU PROCEED, PLEASE GO TO THE ZONING LINK TO ENSURE YOU ARE ENROLLING FOR THE CORRECT CAMPUS.  ARGYLE ISD HAS REZONED AND WE NOW HAVE 3 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. https://portal.metrostudygis.com/arcgis/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e71206382e824dcbb4456aa0e6c6db65

      Your child must be 5 on or before September 1, 2023.  You will need:

      • State-Issued Birth Certificate (If your child was born in Texas and you need a birth certificate, you can go to the Denton County Clerk’s Office in Canyon Falls to obtain one, same day service.)
      • Social Security Card
      • Vaccination Record (your child will not be able to begin school unless they have all required immunizations or have an original, signed and notarized, Texas immunization waiver.). At the age of 5, there are required immunizations for enrollment. Please ensure you submit the updated records to include these immunizations.
      • Parent Driver's License
      • Proof of Residency (Current Electric Bill)*see below if you do not have a current electric bill

      Please choose from one of the following 3 options and follow the appropriate link.  

      1. If you already have a current student in Argyle ISD and are adding a new first-time Kindergartner, log on to your Family Access/Parent Portal account, click on the down arrow on the house icon and choose New Student Enrollment.  This will link your Kindergartner to your current students and you will have convenient access to all your students under one login.  Please do not create a second parent portal account.  Choose the South Elementary 2023-2024 registration tile and complete the registration.  Click Here.
      2. If your Kindergartner attended South Elementary for Pre-K or speech classes, please log on to your Family Access/Parent Portal account.  Click on the down arrow by the house icon and choose Family Access, not new student enrollment.  When you are in Family Access you should see your student’s tiles.  At the end of the tile list, you will see a green highlighted tile/box labeled 2022-2023 registration. Click on this tile and complete returning student registration.  Click Here.  
      3. If you are a new family to Argyle ISD and are registering your first-time Kindergartner, please create a Family Access/Parent Portal account to register your Kindergartner.  Click Here.  Once you have a Family Access account, log in, choose the South 2023-2024 new student registration, and complete. 

      Enrollment is not complete until the required enrollment documentation is reviewed and processed by the campus registrar.  You will receive a confirmation email once the online enrollment has been processed and approved.


      1.  Connection letter issued by the electrical company

      2.  The deed of trust or the warranty deed that is enclosed in your closing paperwork.

      Please note that if you are not currently living in the district and cannot provide proof of residency at the time of enrollment, you will need to wait until proper documentation can be submitted before enrolling your child(ren)